Continued Professional Development

The activ Digital Marketing franchise encourages continued learning throughout your business journey. That goes for us at head office also. The world of digital marketing is ever evolving and we recognise the importance of staying up to date or ahead of the game (why not carve that path?!). This is why we offer our own CPD.

As an activ Digital Marketing Franchise Partner you will have access to regular training seminars hosted by your plug-in head office team. You can achieve full training accreditation and retain marketing expertise status.

All activ training materials are delivered to franchise partners in our bi-weekly training webinars. Materials are also available to study in your own time within our bespoke franchise partner management platform – The activ Keep. This is also where franchise partners keep track of all their live clients and get clients to e-sign legal contracts (we provide the templates!)

Franchise partners are expected to pass each training module to ensure they are fully trained on all latest industry developments at all times, to gain our CPD status.

Book an initial discovery call to take the first step to your future business